
Four Questions to Ask Yourself

Understanding customer WTP is essential for effective pricing. Use methods like benchmarking, specific pricing questions, purchase probability, and scientific approaches to set competitive prices and maximize sales and customer satisfaction.

Four Essential Questions for Market Validation

Taking your product to a new market can be thrilling, but it requires thorough preparation. To ensure you're ready, here are four essential questions to guide your market research interviews and validate your business idea.

1. Customer Acceptance

Before diving into a new market, it’s vital to confirm that your target customers recognize the problem your product solves and believe in your solution. Ask yourself:

  • Does the customer accept they have the problem you solve?
  • Does the customer recognize that your product/service can solve that problem?

Look for evidence that your target audience actively experiences this problem and feels its negative impact. Observe behaviors demonstrating their awareness and willingness to seek solutions. For instance, how have they reacted to similar offerings in the past? Understanding customer acceptance helps ensure you’re addressing a real need.

2. Market Opportunity

Assess whether the problem you aim to solve is significant enough to sustain a business. Key questions include:

  • Is the problem large enough or growing enough that it warrants solving?
  • Do enough people have this problem to satisfy a business?

Quantify the market size using demographics, trends, and industry reports. Determine if the market is expanding, stagnant, or shrinking. Consider factors like regulations and technological advancements that might impact future growth. For example, the rise of remote work has significantly expanded the market for collaboration tools.

3. Technical Feasibility

Identify potential technical challenges in manufacturing, scaling, or maintaining consistent quality. Consider:

  • Have you identified potential technical challenges and do you have the necessary skills and resources to overcome them?
  • What are your contingency plans for unexpected technical hurdles?

Detailed cost analysis, including production, marketing, and distribution costs, is essential. Develop pricing strategies and calculate expected profit margins. Ensuring you have the technical capability to deliver your product repeatedly at a desired quality level is crucial.

4. Economic Viability

Finally, ensure your product can be economically viable. Ask yourself:

  • Can you produce the product repeatedly at a desired quality level to meet customer expectations?
  • Does your product have the technical qualities to solve their problem accurately?

Evaluate detailed cost structures and pricing strategies. As Peter Drucker, the management consultant, famously said, “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” Ensure your product can be produced cost-effectively while maintaining quality to achieve competitiveness.


Validating your market entry strategy with these four questions—customer acceptance, market opportunity, technical feasibility, and economic viability—can significantly enhance your chances of success. By thoroughly understanding these aspects, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate new markets and achieve sustainable growth.

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